A thorough site audit is a low-cost way to identify opportunities and next steps for your website. Having an objective third-party review your site with a lens on design, UX, and conversion can uncover where you might be leaving money on the table, and bring fresh perspective to your online presence.
What does working with us look like?
Each review kicks off with a quick 15-minute call. This gives us a chance to get to know you, and gives you the opportunity to let us know if there are any specific things you'd like us to look at beyond what's outlined above.
Leave your site with us. We'll go through page by page, desktop view and mobile alike, and find what's working well and where there is room for improvement. We'll gather our feedback and get ready to hand it off to you.
Feedback will be sent to you via Volley, and can be downloaded to your Trello account for safe-keeping (if you don't have an account, it's free to sign up). We'll give you 72 hours to review the feedback and then we'll hop on a call to answer any questions you might have.
In some instances, we'll be able to help you implement any or all changes you'd like to make to your site. We'll follow up with you after our feedback call to see if there's anything you'd like our help on!
How does your site look? Is it current or is it stuck in another decade? Is it targeted towards your ideal customer demographic? Are your fonts legible? Colors complementary?
Are your pages easy to read? Is the information complete and easy to understand? Can customers easily see what you're offering and how to book or buy from you? We'll go through page by page and make sure that your site is set up to talk to your customers and serve your business needs all at the same time.
Having your brand identity bleed through your website confidently creates a cohesive experience for your customers and a strong presence for your brand as a whole. We'll make sure that your brand's visual guidelines (fonts, colors, treatments, and overall vibe) are reflected throughout your website, and that they're being used consistently.
We'll take a look at your site's navigation (top nav and footer) as well as your site map to make sure that all of your information is organized in a way that makes sense to your customers, and therefore easily discoverable by them. Benefit of an easy-to-navigate site? Lower bounce-rate, more time on site, and higher chances of conversion.
There is an art to getting people to buy online, and different tactics work best in different places on your site. We'll let you know where you're set up for success and where you could be leaving business on the table.
We'll look to make sure that you have the right number of calls-to-action throughout your site, that they're placed in the optimal locations to get the job done, and that the language is persuasive. Calls-to-action are the workhorse of your site and it pays to get them right.
Best practices for modern web design dictate that all business websites should be ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant. One aspect of this is ensuring there is enough contrast between the colors and fonts used on your site. Your content needs to be easily readable by people with visual impairments, like color-blindness, and it'll come down to font size and color choices to make this possible. We'll let you know how you're doing on the legibility front, and make suggestions on where and how to improve if necessary.